Rusimpex Regions of Russia. Rusimpex
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Belgorod Region
Population1408 thousand persons.
SiteThe area(region) totals 18 regions. Is located onSouthwest declines of Sredne-Russian height.Bounds with Kursk, Voronezh areas(regions) and Ukraine.
Mineral wealthsOres iron, bauxites, materials building.The most known deposits: iron oxides -YAkovlevskoe, Gostishchevskoe, Korobkovskoe, Saltykovskoe,Lebedinskoe, Stojlenskoe, Pogrometskoe. CHernyanskoe;Bauxites - Vislovskoe.
The basic industriesMechanical engineering (boiler fabrication, auto tractorInstrumentation, equipment for a food-processing industry,Reserve parts to tractors and automobiles), iron and steel industry,Food-processing industry, chemical and petrochemical industry,Industry of building materials, light industry.
AgricultureSowings: wheats of barley, corn, buckwheat, sugar-beet,Sunflowers; a potato-growing; a vegetable-growing; a fruit growing; meat and milkCattle breeding, swine-breeding; a poultry keeping.
The basic transport trunkThe advanced network iron and highways.
ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE(07222) 2-36-76, 7-65-88, 2-42-47, 2-45-77
REPRESENTATION In the INTERNETThe server of the Belgorod area(region)

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