Rusimpex Regions of Russia. Rusimpex
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    Central federal district
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Far East federal district

Voronezh Region
Population2475 thousand persons.
SiteIn structure of Region 32 regions, 15 cities, 22 settlementsUrban type. Is in a central partThe East Europe plain, in basin averageCurrents of Don. Bounds with Belgorod, Kursk,Lipetsk, Tambov, Saratov, Volgograd,By the Rostov fields(areas) and Ukraine.
Mineral wealthsRaw material cement, clay fire-resistant, sand, rock building.
The basic industriesMechanical engineering (ore dressing equipment,The process equipment for chemical, light andFood-processing industries metal-cutting machine tools,Forge-and-press machines, shovels,Grain-cleaning and other agriculturalMachines, electronics), chemical industry(Synthetic rubber, buses, pharmaceuticalDrugs), industry of building materials, food-processing industry(Sugar, is butter-making - futty, meat,Lactic - butter - cheese-making, flour-grinding - groats,Fruit vegetable canning).
AgricultureSowings of a wheat, rye, barley, corn, buckwheat, sugarBeet, sunflower; a potato-growing; a vegetable-growing; a fruit growing, cultivationLarge horned cattle, swine-breeding, sheep breeding, tribal horse breeding.
The basic transport trunkThe advanced network iron and highways.
ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE(0732) 55-06-88, 55-06-27, 55-27-37, 55-45-34
REPRESENTATION In the INTERNETThe server of Administration of Voronezh

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