Rusimpex Regions of Russia. Rusimpex
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Central federal district
Northwest federal district
North Caucasian federal district
Volga federal district
Ural federal district
Siberian federal district
    Far East federal district

Primorskaya Territory
Population2309 thousand persons. Gravity of the population - 13,7 persons onSquare kms.
SiteIn structure of edge - 25 regions, 11 cities, 46 settlementsUrban type. Is disposed in a southern part SovietFar East. Bounds with Chinese NationalBy republic and Korean Narodno-democraticBy republic, in north - with Khabarovsk territory. From eastIs washed by waters of the Japanese sea. Into structure enterIslands: Russian, Slavic, Rejneke, Putyatina, Askol'dEtc.
Mineral wealthsTin, polymetals, wolframium, gold, fluorites, coal,Materials building. Most knownDeposits: tin - Kavalerovskij mining region;Wolframium - East - II; polymetals - Nikolaev;Fluorites - Voznesenskoe; coal - Lipovetskoe,Rettikhovskoe, Pavlovskoe, Bikinskoe.
The basic industriesFish industry, nonferrous metallurgy (tinned,Polymetal, wolframic), wood industry andWoodworking industry,Mechanical engineering and metallic processing (equipment for fish and mountainIndustries woodworking machine tools,Building machines, household coolers,Radiodevices, tool, ship repair),mining an industry. Have received progressing also power,Meat lactic, flour-grinding - groats,Butter-making - futty, sugar, confectionery), light industry.
AgricultureSowings grain (wheat, rice, barley, oats), fodder plants,soy(bean); meat - lactic cattle breeding; fishery; a trapping; a deer-raising,Beekeeping.
The basic transport trunkNavigation (ports: Vladivostok, Find).
ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE(4232) 22-35-70, 22-38-00, 22-17-93, 22-52-77
REPRESENTATION In the INTERNETThe official WWW - server of Administration of Primorye Territory

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