Rusimpex Regions of Russia. Rusimpex
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Central federal district
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Far East federal district

Chita Region
Population1391 thousand persons.
SiteInto structure of Region enter Aginskij Buryat independentDistrict, 31 regions, 10 cities and 45 settlements. Is disposed inEast Transbaikalia. Bounds with Buryat and YakutiyaBy republics, Irkutsk and Amur fields(areas),By Mongolia and Chinese National Republic.
Mineral wealthsMetals color(non-ferrous) and metals precious, ore iron, coal,fluor-spar, raw material building.The most known deposits: ores polymetal- Novoshirokinskoe; ores copper - Udokanskoe;Ores titanium-magnetite - Kruchininskoe; coal -KHaranorskoe.
The basic industriesNonferrous metallurgy and iron and steel industry, mechanical engineering(Car assembly factory, factory of a mining equipment),Electric power industry (Chita and KHaranorskaya GREHS),Coal industry, light industry (worsted-cloth combine).
AgricultureAnimal industries; a deer-raising; a fur craft; sowingsGrain: a wheat, oats, barley.
The basic transport trunkNavigation on river. SHilka.
ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE(30222) 6-58-59, 6-75-33, 3-43-93

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