Rusimpex Regions of Russia. Rusimpex
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    Central federal district
Northwest federal district
North Caucasian federal district
Volga federal district
Ural federal district
Siberian federal district
Far East federal district

Yaroslavl Region
Population1474 thousand persons.
SiteStructure of Region includes 17 regions, 8 urban regions(From them 6 - in one @. Yaroslavl), 4 cities of region subparameter22 working settlements. Is disposed in a central partThe East Europe plain. Bounds with Tver,Vologda, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir andBy the Moscow fields(areas).
Mineral wealthsSpigot products quartzy, grit, peat, water mineral,Tuffs calcareous, clay fine(thin) tape, paint mineral.
The basic industriesMechanical engineering and metal working (electrotechnical,Cable, instrument making, automobile); a wood industry,Woodworking industry and pulp and paper industry industry(Logging industry, woodworking);Industry of building materials(Industry modular reinforced-concrete and concreteConstructions and items, industry wallMaterials); a glass industry and china-faience industry;Light industry (cotton, linen, woolen, sewing,Tanning, fur, shoe); a food-processing industry(Flour-grinding - groats and feed mill industry); a fuel industry(Oil refining); electric power industry; a chemical and petrochemical industry.
AgriculturePotato-growing; a vegetable-growing; animal industries; a flax growing;Sowings of grain cultures.
The basic transport trunkNavigation on river. To Volga, RybinskTo reservoir; the network iron and highways.
ADMINISTRATION of LOCALE(0852) 22-12-83, 22-23-28
REPRESENTATION In the INTERNETAdministration of Region

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