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In section are introduced Russian Representations of official organizations, companies, enterprises, firms abroad, and also representation of foreign states and companies in Russia:


Representation of Russia abroad

Official representations of Russia abroad
Ambassadorial, consular and trade organizations of Russia abroad
Representation of the Russian companies and organizations abroad
Representation of the Russian external economic associations abroad
Representation of the Russian banks abroad
Representation of the Russian transport companies abroad
Representation of the Russian insurance companies abroad

Representation of the foreign states in Russia

Official representations of the foreign states in Russia
Ambassadorial, consular and trade organizations of the foreign states in Russia
Representation of the foreign companies in Russia
Representation of the foreign companies in Russia
Representation of foreign banks in Russia
Representation of the foreign transport companies in Russia
Representation of the foreign insurance companies in Russia
Representation of foreign mass media in Russia
Representation of the international organizations in Russia
Representation of the world international organizations in Russia
Representation UN in Russia
Representation of other international organizations in Russia
Representation of regional international organizations in Russia
Representation of EU in Russia

Representation of the international organizations on trade in Russia
Representation of other regional international organizations in Russia
Representation of the Russian organizations in Russia
Official representations of the Russian organizations in Russia
Commercial and industrial chambers
State customs committee
Representation of the Russian companies
Representation of the Russian enterprises and companies
Representation of the Russian banks
Representation of the Russian transport companies
Representation of the Russian insurance companies



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