
Economy and statistics of foreign trade.


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Dinamics of Foreign Trade of Russian Federation 
( per balance of payments methodology)


(USD million)

 Year Export of goods (FOB) Import of goods (FOB) Trade balance
Total % of corres-
ponding period of previous year
of which: Total % of corres-
ponding period of previous year
of which: Total of which:
with non-CIS count-
% of corres-
ponding period of previous year
with CIS count-
% of corres-
ponding period of previous year
with non-CIS count-
% of corres-
ponding period of previous year
with CIS count-
% of corres-
ponding period of previous year
with non-CIS count-
with CIS count-

1994 ã.

67826 õ 52111 õ 15715 õ 50452 õ 36455 õ 13997 õ 17374 15656 1718
1995 ã. 82913 122,2 65940 126,5 16973 108,0 62603 124,1 44258 121,4 18345 131,1 20310 21682 -1372
1996 ã. 90563 109,2 71997 109,2 18566 109,4 68092 108,8 47273 106,8 20819 113,5 22471 24724 -2253
1997 ã. 89008 98,3 69932 97,1 19076 102,7 71983 105,7 53395 113,0 18588 89,3 17025 16537 488
1998 ã. 74884 84,1 59090 84,5 15794 82,8 58015 80,6 43714 81,9 14301 76,9 16869 15376 1493
1999 ã. 75666 101,0 63670 107,8 11995 75,9 39537 68,1 29158 66,7 10379 72,6 36129 34513 1616
2000 ã. 105565 139,5 91331 143,4 14234 118,7 44862 113,5 31434 107,8 13428 129,4 60703 59897 807
2001 ã. 101603 96,2 86488 94,7 15115 106,2 53764 119,8 40723 129,6 13041 97,1 47839 45765 2074
2002 ã. 107247 105,3 90969 105,0 16278 106,6 60966 113,4 48815 119,9 12151 93,2 46281 42154 4128
2003 ã. 135929 126,7 114572 126,0 21357 130,4 76070 124,8 60993 124,9 15077 124,1 59860 53579 6280
2004 ã. 183207 134,8 153004 133,5 30203 141,4 97382 128,0 77491 127,0 19891 131,9 85825 75514 10311
2005 ã. 245255 133,9 211641 138,3 33613 111,3 125123 128,5 103337 133,4 21786 109,5 120131 108304 11827
2006 ã. 303926 124,7 260558 123,9 43368 129,3 164692 131,3 140115 135,3 24577 112,2 139234 120443 18791
2007 ã. 355175 116,9 301455 115,7 53720 123,9 223058 135,4 191194 136,5 31864 129,6 132117 110261 21856
2008 ã. 471603 133,1 400456 133,2 71148 132,2 291861 130,6 252908 131,9 38953 122,5 179742 147548 32195
2009 ã. 303388 64,3 255270 63,7 48118 67,6 191803 65,7 167726 66,3 24077 61,8 111585 87544 24041
2010 ã. 392674 132,1 333635 132,4 59039 130,8 245680 133,6 213237 131,1 32442 152,6 146995 120398 26597
2011 ã. 515409 131,3 436727 130,9 78682 133,3 318555 129,7 273841 128,4 44714 137,8 196854 162885 33969
2012 ã. 527434 102,3 443778 101,6 83656 106,3 335771 105,4 288406 105,3 47365 105,9 191663 155371 36291
2013 ã. 521835 98,9 443843 100 77993 93,2 341269 101,6 294952 102,3 46318 97,8 180566 148891 31675
2014 ã. 497763 95,4 428929 96,6 68834 88,3 308026 90,3 271978 92,2 36048 77,8 189737 156951 32786
2015 ã. 341467 68,6 292321 68,2 49146 71,4 192954 62,6 170553 62,7 22402 62,1 148513 121769 26744
2016 ã. 281709 82,5 241675 82,7 40034 81,2 191494 99,2 170827 100,1 20667 92,1 90215 70848 19366
2017 ã. 352941 125,3 302796 125,3 50145 125,3 238384 124,5 213009 124,7 25375 122,8 114558 89788 24770
2018 ã. 443915 125,8 387217 127,9 56698 113,1 248857 104,4 222309 104,4 26548 104,6 195058 164908 30150
2019 ã. 419721 94,5 363319 93,8 56402 99,5 253877 102,0 225971 101,6 27906 105,1 165845 137348 28496
2020 ã. 333375 79,4 282564 77,8 50811 90,1 239640 94,4 214189 94,8 25452 91,2 93735 68376 25359
2021 ã. 493821 148,1 426218 150,8 67603 133,0 303995 126,9 271658 126,8 32337 127,1 189827 154560 35266
2022 ã.



... ... ... ... 276510 91,0 ... ... ... ... 315554 ... ...
2023 ã. 423916 71,6 ... ... ... ... 303787 109,9 ... ... ... ... 120128 ... ...

(USD million


Export (FOB) Import (FOB) Turnover Balance
1994 ã. 67826 50452 118278 17374
1995 ã. 82913 62603 145516 20310
1996 ã. 90563 68092 158655 22471
1997 ã. 89008 71983 160991 17025
1998 ã. 74884 58015 132899 16869
1999 ã. 75666 39537 115203 36129
2000 ã. 105565 44862 150427 60703
2001 ã. 101603 53764 155367 47839
2002 ã. 107247 60966 168213 46281
2003 ã. 135929 75436 211365 60493
2004 ã. 183185 94834 278019 88351
2005 ã. 245255 125123 370378 120131
2006 ã. 303926 164692 468618 139234
2007 ã. 355175 223058 578233 132117
2008 ã. 471603 291861 763464 179742
2009 ã. 303388 191803 495191 111585
2010 ã. 392674 245680 638354 146995
2011 ã. 515409 318555 833964 196854
2012 ã. 527434 335771 863205 191663
2013 ã. 521835 341269 863104 180566
2014 ã. 497763 308026 805789 189737
2015 ã. 341467 192954 534421 148513
2016 ã. 281709 191494 473203 90215
2017 ã. 353102 238384 591486 114719
2018 ã. 443130 248701 691831 194429
2019 ã. 419721 253877 673598 165845
2020 ã. 333375 239640 573015 93735
2021 ã. 493821 303995 797816 189827
2022 ã. 592064  276510 868574 315554
2023 ã. 423916  303787 727703 120128

<b>Dinamics of Foreign Trade of Russian Federation</b>


SSource : on data of a SSC (State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation), Central bank of Russian Federation
Estimated metodic per balance of payments 

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